
I am passionate about web developer. Because I love Do this .I have a steady source of motivation that drives me to do my best. In my last job, this passion led me to challenge myself daily and learn new skills that helped me to do better work.

WEB Developer

This is my personal information,describe my self and my work which is given below:

  • Mobile: +91-7289036071
  • City: Ghaziabad ,India
  • State: UP ,India
    Freelance: Available
  • Degree: Master
  • Emailone:gulammlkpg35@gmail.com

When I start building the script of each example, focus on details and outcomes that We can quantify if possible. For example, stating that we "improved customer service" is less impactful than "increased customer service response rates each quarter by 10–15%." If I did’t have the exact information, estimate a realistic value.


Highly creative and upbeat website building for professionals and small business owners or e-commerce. Api cration In Laravel.Fronted Developmet using Bootstap,Material design,HTML and CSS

HTML 100%
Bootstrap 80%
JavaScript 75%
CSS 70%
Vue JS 55%
PHP 90%
Laravel 80%
WordPress/CMS 60%
Codegniter 55%